Tuesday 8 March 2011

Camera Movements: Worksheet

  • many different functions; direct viewers attention, reveal off screen space, provide narrative information, or create expressive effects.
  • camera most frequently moves when an object moves within the frame, initiating reframing, or following a shot.
  • Reframing; (keep the action in the frame)  slight pans or tilts designed to maintain the balance of a composition during a figure movement. A camera operator will reframe when a sitting person stands up, so as to keep the person in the frame and allow for appropriate headroom. Reframing helps fix the viewer's eye on the most important figures within the frame and is so common it is often unnoticed. 
  • Camera accompanies the movement of an object during a following shots. A track, crane or hand held shot can lead a moving figure into space, pursue a figure from behind, or float above, below or alongside. Intricate following shots may be motivated by the movements of more than one figure.

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